Healing Sessions with Light Language & Shamanic Quantum Techniques
LIGHT LANGUAGE HEALING GRIDS – 74 euros (7 & 49) to 218 euros (144) Light Language is a divine emanation from the highest source, 5 times faster than light and thought, coming from the Mayan lineage of Mexican healers, that can be traced for more than 26 generations. It uses the building blocks of the creation of the Universe, which are complex sacred geometry shapes and many shades of colors, that can be emanated from the aura of the healer to the patient or combined in grids, to support any healing process, any manifestation of intention or any spiritual transformation. During a consultation (face to face or by Skype), we will discover what qualities you need to bring into your being to manifest a quick and long lasting change. A 7 chakra grid or a 49 chakra grid will then be created specially for you to support your process. A 7 chakra grid will affect each aspect of your consciousness, by integrating new geometries and colors to each chakra and will bring you in the state you need to go to the next step of your journey. A 49 chakra grid is more used to support any clear and defined intention, like healing a disease, manifesting a project, receiving more wealth and so on…It's a prayer of 49 geometrical shapes and colors sent to the divine 5 timers faster than light ! A 144 grid will work in your DNA until you integrate it fully ! The grids can be done and activated remotely, we just need to communicate before to discover your needs.
Examples of 7 chakra Grid, 49 Shapes Grid and 144 Shapes Grid :
PRIVATE HEALING SESSION 2 hours ONLINE - 144 euros 2 hours Presential - 111 euros Guatemala prices : 900 Q for 2 hours In this powerful healing session, you will first receive an intuitive reading to identify your issues and blockages. Using different healing grids and frequencies, including Vortex Healing™ Divine Energy and Light Language, we open a sacred space and start clearing the different subtle bodies and energy blocks. The purification part of the session clears the karmic, astral, emotional, mental and physical bodies, and all the energetic pathways. Most of the times there is as well a reprogramming part where we re-negotiate agreements with our parts or ancestors and imprint new positive programs. Sessions vary according to the needs of the client. With the sharing at the beginning and at the end, it lasts between 1h30 and 2 hours. These sessions are great to create space and light within you, to clear blockages, to receive guidance, to clear any kind of issues, to activate organs, chakras, meridians and energetic systems, to feel the Divine Love again, to retrieve Soul fragments, re-negotiate agreements and restore the original blueprint. According to your situation, you might consider 2 or 3 sessions to experience a long-lasting change. Integration between sessions should be at least a week.
Consultations with Demian (this is not an energy healing session) - 1 hour - 92 euros
I am giving health and spiritual guidance consultations to support any healing process or to guide you to new tools that could make a difference for your life. If you have any disease or specific condition, i can direct you to natural and efficient ways to help you heal yourself, and provide guidelines about diet and lifestyle. If you feel lost and confused, i can bring some clarity about what you are going through and direct you to a specific spiritual practice or a psychomagic ritual specially designed for you. Each person is unique and each coaching is unique as well. I will always try my best to empower you and give you tools to be self sufficient and get you back on tracks. I learned so many healing techniques and tried many different paths and disciplines. My experience can probably help you find your own path to your true authentic Self. Coaching can be done by Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, or directly. Packages available.